1 Nephi as a Chiasmus

In my book "Nephi's Journey: The Lord Prepares a Way," I outline how the entire book of 1 Nephi contains three well-structured chiasmus. For simplicity, I will dive right into the message of this post, but for more background on these events, feel free to visit the About Page.

The three conceptual chiasmus I will discuss from 1 Nephi are labeled as Chiasmus 1, Chiasmus 2A, and Chiasmus 2B.

Chiasmus 1: The Entire Book of 1 Nephi (1 Nephi 1–22)

The First Half of 1 Nephi (ch. 1–13)

The Second Half of 1 Nephi (ch. 13–22)

A) Lehi preaches and prophesies before leaving Jerusalem (ch. 1).

A') Nephi preaches and prophesies after arriving in the promised land (ch. 19-22).

B) The Lord commands Lehi to depart Jerusalem (ch. 2).

B') The Lord commands Lehi to sail for the promised land (ch. 18).

C) The Valley of Lemuel:

  • The group stops at their first resting place, the valley of Lemuel.
  • They name the land and river.
  • Nephi discusses the Red Sea.
  • The Lord tells Nephi of the journey ahead.
  • Laman and Lemuel complain about leaving Jerusalem; they claim Lehi is led away by "the foolish imaginations of his heart;" they desire to kill Lehi.
  • Lehi speaks to them in the energy of soul and confounds them.
  • The Spirit shakes their frames (ch. 2).

C') The Land of Bountiful:

  • The group stops at their final resting place, the land of Bountiful.
  • They name the land and sea.
  • Nephi discusses the Red Sea.
  • The Lord tells Nephi to construct a ship.
  • Laman and Lemuel complain about leaving Jerusalem; they claim Nephi is led away by "the foolish imaginations of his heart;" they desire to kill Nephi.
  • Nephi speaks to them in the energy of soul and confounds them.
  • The Spirit shakes their frames (ch. 17).

D) Nephi discusses the Lord’s preparations in obedience (ch. 3).

D') Nephi discusses the Lord’s preparations in their journey (ch. 17).

E') Two commandments are fulfilled. During this time:

  • The brass plates are obtained.
  • Sariah complains.
  • Laman and Lemuel murmur and are angry with Nephi.
  • Nephi encourages the group.
  • An angel appears.
  • The group fails to obtain the plates, but Nephi succeeds alone as he was divinely guided by the Spirit.
  • Laban’s sword is obtained.
  • Nephi discusses the Red Sea.
  • Ishmael enters the account.
  • A rebellion ensues.
  • Laman and Lemuel desire to kill Nephi and return to Jerusalem.
  • Nephi discusses the angelic visit (ch. 4-7).

E') Two difficult trials are endured. During this time:

  • A brass compass is obtained.
  • Ishmael’s daughters complain.
  • Laman and Lemuel murmur and are angry with Nephi.
  • Nephi encourages the group.
  • The Lord appears in a cloud.
  • The group fails to obtain food, but Nephi succeeds alone as he was divinely guided by the Liahona.
  • A new bow is created.
  • Nephi discusses the Red Sea.
  • Ishmael leaves the account.
  • A rebellion ensues.
  • Laman desires to kill Nephi and return to Jerusalem.
  • Laman denies the angelic visit (ch. 16).

F) The group gathers all manner of seeds in the valley of Lemuel (ch. 8).

F') The group gathers all manner of seeds in the valley of Lemuel (ch. 16).

G) Lehi discusses the tree of life with Laman and Lemuel, and exhorts them with great feeling and energy of soul (ch. 8-9).

G') Nephi discusses the tree of life with Laman and Lemuel, and exhorts them with great feeling and energy of soul (ch. 15).

H) Lehi discusses the olive tree (ch. 10).

H') Nephi discusses the olive tree (ch. 15).

I) Nephi sees the Jewish nation reject Jesus and gather together to battle against His apostles (ch. 11).

I') Nephi sees all Gentile nations reject Jesus and gather together to battle the covenant people in the last days (ch. 14).

J) Nephi sees the Nephite nation reject Jesus and gather to battle the Lamanites in America. He sees:

  • the Apostasy,
  • Satan’s false church,
  • the altered Jewish record (ch. 12-13).

J') Nephi sees a mother Gentile nation gather to battle the Gentiles in America. He sees:

  • the Restoration,
  •  Christ’s true church,
  • the pure Nephite record (ch. 13).

Chiasmus 2: The First and Second Halves of 1 Nephi

In addition to the chiasmus encompassing the entire book of 1 Nephi, there are two additional chiasmus that cover the first half of 1 Nephi and the second half of 1 Nephi. The chiasmus encompassing the first half of 1 Nephi focuses on Lehi’s visions and sermons, as well as two commandments given before departing for the promised land. The chiasmus encompassing the second half of 1 Nephi focuses on Nephi’s visions and sermons, as well as two trials endured while traveling to the promised land.

Chiasmus 2A: 1 Nephi 1–10:

1 Nephi 1–5

1 Nephi 6–10

A) The vision of Jerusalem (ch. 1–2):

  • Lehi sees a vision of the life and ministry of the Messiah; he sees the Savior and the Twelve Apostles; he shares this vision with the people of Jerusalem and pleads with them to seek this Messiah.
  • Nephi greatly desires to know the things of God, specifically regarding the things his father has shared.
  • Nephi tells us he will not write all of the words of Lehi’s vision.

A’) The vision of two trees (ch. 8–10):

  • Lehi sees a vision of the life and ministry of the Messiah; he sees John the Baptist, the tree of life, and the olive tree; he shares this vision with his family and pleads with them to seek this Messiah.
  • Nephi greatly desires to know the things of God, specifically regarding the things his father has shared.
  • Nephi tells us he will not write all of the words of Lehi’s vision.

B) Lehi offers sacrifices in the valley of Lemuel (ch. 2).

B’) Lehi offers sacrifices in the valley of Lemuel (ch. 7).

C) Obtaining the Plates (ch. 3–4):

  • Lehi’s sons return to Jerusalem to obtain the brass plates.
  • Nephi prophesies of Jerusalem’s destruction.
  • Laman and Lemuel initially help but later attack Nephi.
  • An angel intervenes.
  • The angel declares: Nephi is “your younger brother.”
  • Nephi speaks of the angelic visit, asks many questions, and pleads, “Let us be faithful.”
  • Nephi declares: “The Lord is able.”
  • Zoram joins the group. Nephi ascribes the credit to God.
  • The group returns to the wilderness.

C’) Enlisting Ishmael (ch. 7):

  • Lehi’s sons return to Jerusalem to enlist Ishmael’s family.
  • Nephi prophesies of Jerusalem’s destruction.
  • Laman and Lemuel initially help but later attack Nephi.
  • Ishmael’s daughter intervenes.
  • Nephi declares: I am “your younger brother.”
  • Nephi speaks of the angelic visit, asks many questions, and pleads, “Let us be faithful.”
  • Nephi declares: “The Lord is able.”
  • Ishmael joins the group. Nephi ascribes the credit to God.
  • The group returns to the wilderness.

D) Sariah complains, doubts Lehi, and questions the Lord (ch. 5).

D’) Sariah rejoices, believes Lehi, and trusts the Lord (ch. 5).

Chiasmus 2B: 1 Nephi 11–22:

1 Nephi 11–16

1 Nephi 16–22

A) Nephi’s Vision of the Last Days (ch. 11–15):

  • Like Lehi, Nephi sees a vision of the ministry of the Messiah. He sees the Savior, the Twelve Apostles, John the Baptist, and the tree of life.
  • Nephi discusses the last days, Satan’s false church, and the deliverance of Israel.
  • Nephi shares this vision with his brothers and pleads with them to seek this Messiah. 
  • Laman and Lemuel ask if Nephi’s words are to be understood temporally or spiritually. Nephi replies: “Both.”
  • Nephi appeals to the words of Isaiah to teach Laman and Lemuel about the house of Israel and to persuade them to follow their Redeemer.
  • Nephi concludes his sermon by testifying that the things which he has written are true. He then says: “And now I make an end.”

A’) Nephi’s Sermon of the Last Days (ch. 19–22):

  • Like Lehi, Nephi shares a marvelous sermon about the Messiah and His great atoning sacrifice.
  • Nephi discusses the last days, Satan’s false church, and the deliverance of Israel.
  • Nephi discusses these things with his brothers and pleads with them to seek this Messiah.
  • Laman and Lemuel ask if Nephi’s words are to be understood temporally or spiritually. Nephi replies: “Both.”
  • Nephi appeals to the words of Isaiah to teach Laman and Lemuel about the house of Israel and to persuade them to follow their Redeemer.
  • Nephi concludes his sermon by testifying that the things which he has written are true. He then says: “And now, I … make an end.”

B) The Lord commands Lehi to depart farther into the wilderness, aided by the Liahona (ch. 16).

B’) The Lord commands Lehi to sail for the promised land, aided by the newly-constructed ship (ch. 18).

C) The group stops to rest at a place they name Shazer (ch. 16).

C’) The group stops to rest at a place they name Bountiful (ch. 17).

D) The Trial of Food (ch. 16):

  • The group endures a trial of lack of food.
  • Lehi murmurs.
  • The voice of the Lord is heard, chastening the group exceedingly with words not recorded.
  • The group repents and carries on.

D’) The Trial of Ishmael (ch. 16):

  • The group endures the trial of Ishmael’s death.
  • Ishmael’s daughters murmur.
  • The voice of the Lord is heard, chastening the group exceedingly with words not recorded.
  • The group repents and carries on.

Note the similarities between what Lehi saw in his visions as compared to what Nephi saw in his vision. Both saw the ministry of Jesus, the Twelve Apostles, John the Baptist, and the tree of life. Also note how both chiasmus begin and end with a sermon from Lehi or Nephi. In some ways, Chiasmus 2A is a chiasmus about Lehi’s ministry and Chiasmus 2B is a chiasmus about Nephi’s ministry.

To further demonstrate the interconnectivity in all this, consider the event of “obtaining the brass plates.” Not only is this event used in both Chiasmus 1 and Chiasmus 2A, but it is also likely an intentional repetition by itself:

Obtaining the Brass Plates (1 Nephi 3–4)

First Attempt

Second Attempt

  • “Laman went in unto the house of Laban” and “desired of Laban the records which were engraven upon the plates of brass.”
  • Laban was angry, “thrust [Laman] out from his presence,” and tried to slay him. Laman fled.
  • Laman and Lemuel were sad and desired to return to the wilderness.
  • Nephi encouraged the group by declaring: “Let us be faithful in keeping the commandments of the Lord. … Let us go down to the land of” Jerusalem again.
  • The group “went up again unto the house of Laban” and “desired [of] him … the records which were engraven upon the plates of brass.” 
  • Laban was envious, “thrust [them] out” of his presence, and tried to slay them. The group fled.
  • Laman and Lemuel were angry and desired to return to the wilderness.
  • Nephi encouraged the group by declaring: “Let us be faithful in keeping the commandments of the Lord. … Let us go up” to the land of Jerusalem again

Whether the repeating events and phrases in 1 Nephi are chiasmus, parallelisms, or some other ancient Hebraic technique, one thing seems clear—these repetitions are intentional and deliberate.

In my book, I discuss the many different verses that support the structure of these chiasmus. As one example, consider the similar language used by both Sariah and the daughters of Ishamel when they murmured against Lehi.

Sariah (1 Nephi 5:2–3)

Daughters of Ishmael (1 Nephi 16:35)

Sariah “(1) complained against my father, … saying: Behold (2) thou hast led us forth from the land of our inheritance, and (3) my sons are no more, and (4) we perish in the wilderness. And [thus] … (5) my mother complained against my father.”

“They did (1) murmur against my father, because (2) he had brought them out of the land of Jerusalem, saying: (3) Our father is dead; yea, and … (4) we must perish in the wilderness with hunger. And thus (5) they did murmur against my father.”

For more information on these things, pick up a copy of "Nephi's Journey: The Lord Prepares a Way," available in both printed and eBook editions from Amazon. Thanks for reading.


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